Grande Loge Mondiale de Misraïm GLMM Ordre philosophique et humaniste souverain

Chancellor - France



Visitors friends,

We are very pleased to welcome you in the family of Freemasons of the Grand Lodge of World Misraïm.
No doubt the internet today occupies a place of choice among communication tools. I therefore avail myself, already with my present message that will be twofold: first, allowing our mixed Brotherhood to communicate with you and, secondly, opening dialogue with members of the Masonic allegiances friends.
These home pages that give you the gist of the information on the main activities of the Great World Lodge Misraïm you are specially designed and you will be required to understand our Order, its culture, its values, its activities, its operation and its organization, whether newcomer or already a member of the Masonic Order. Its guide through its menu will give you all the information: • The specifics of the Order • The organization and practical information required: activities of our lodges, title and conference venues, press releases, addresses (persuasions Masonic blogs ,... ).
Through this site, our desire is to promote the vision of a human work it through the work of our members, constructive dialogue. Well be a showcases of the Masonic Institution, it must likewise allow to weave a pleasant link between you and us, waiting to collect your thoughts and possible expectations.
Enjoy your visit to our website my sisters, my brothers, friends and visitors, knowing that we naturally hesitate to contact the Secretariat for further information.


Frédéric Nésenshon
